速報APP / 攝影 / LifeCast for Chromecast by Kappboom®

LifeCast for Chromecast by Kappboom®


檔案大小:8.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


LifeCast for Chromecast by Kappboom®(圖1)-速報App

Cast your photos, videos, music and life onto the TV via Chromecast!


LifeCast for Chromecast by Kappboom®(圖2)-速報App

* Life Cast - Cast a grid of pages onto the TV that automatically scroll up and down to keep you updated with your life's activity at a glance.

* Photo Cast - Pick photos from your album and cast them into a grid or a cool slideshow.

LifeCast for Chromecast by Kappboom®(圖3)-速報App

* Video Cast - Pick a video from your album and share with friends and family on the TV.

* Music Cast - While Life casting or Photo casting, you can stream music to your TV and personalize the casting experience!

LifeCast for Chromecast by Kappboom®(圖4)-速報App

Also, save custom Life Casts to easily keep yourself updated with various life activities. For example, cast your social pages, news sources, sport sources and other important life activity onto the TV via Chromecast. LifeCast by Kappboom® makes this all easy with a polished application experience.

LifeCast for Chromecast by Kappboom®(圖5)-速報App
